Nourish Wellness

Nourish Wellness is a multidisciplinary pediatric wellness center for children and their families, and it is a collaboration between the Nourish Foundation, Auburn University's Hunger Solutions Institute, and departments of Social Work, Nursing, Pharmacy, Dietetics, and Kinesiology, Via Edward College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) and East Alabama Health (EAH). Their service includes a nutrition, physical activity and mindfulness curriculum for each patient and family as well as the opportunity to participate in a monthly community gathering which will include a meal demonstration, live exercise class, and small groups to share and build relationships with other families in the community. In addition, they provide fresh produce to food insecure families on a weekly basis through Nourish, AL, an initiative of the Nourish Foundation.

For more information about nourish wellness, visit

National Rural Grocery Summit

The National Rural Grocery Summit is the premier networking and resource-sharing venue for independent grocers and rural food access stakeholders. It brings together grocery store owners and managers, community leaders, food suppliers, academic researchers, healthy food access stakeholders, policy makers, and funders to connect, share lessons learned, and innovate around best practices for sustaining locally-owned rural grocery stores and improving access to healthy food in rural communities.

In 2024, the Summit will be co-hosted by the Rural Grocery Initiative at Kansas State University and the Hunger Solutions Institute at Auburn University.

For more information, visit