Start a Chapter

School chapters are the backbone of UFWH – the mobilizing force for college and university students who are passionate about pursuing a hunger-free world. These chapters provide advocates like YOU with a community of like-minded individuals to engage your campus in important conversations and participate in events that help raise awareness and increase action.

Is your school a member of Universities Fighting World Hunger? If so, stay in touch via our website and newsletter and share information about your activities and initiatives. If not, consider starting a student chapter on your campus. Everything you need to know is in this toolkit:

Push to Sign

Colleges and universities are in a unique position to address the issue of hunger throughout our world. Has your college or university president or chancellor committed to making hunger a priority issue for your campus? Check here to see if he or she has signed the Presidents United to Solve Hunger (PUSH) commitment

If your university is not yet a Presidents United to Solve Hunger institution, consider starting a campaign to get your leadership onboard! Don’t know how to begin that process? Don’t worry – we have it all spelled out for you in our PUSH Student Handbook!

Stay Connected

Want to stay up-to-date with monthly events and information you need to know? Sign up for the UFWH monthly newsletter!

Attend a Summit

Each year, hundreds of students, administrators, and multi-sector leaders from around the world gather to share ideas, innovations and best practices in the fight against hunger at the UFWH Annual Summit. If you’re not sure how to get involved, consider joining us at this amazing 2-day event.

Information about the 2023 Summit coming soon! Save the Date for April 5th and 6th and University of Arkansas! More info to come!