They Say it Takes a Village. ECHA is that Village.

End Child Hunger in Alabama (ECHA) is a public movement addressing the critical issues of hunger and food insecurity facing Alabama’s children and youth. In 2013, ECHA was launched as an effort to move Alabama into the top 25 percent nationally in child food security. Since its beginning as the first outreach initiative of the Hunger Solutions Institute at Auburn University, ECHA’s network has grown to include public and private sector partners from around the state .

Who We Are

Our mission is to ensure that every child in Alabama has access to nutritious foods so they can develop into healthy, educated, and productive adults.

End Child Hunger in Alabama (ECHA) is a public movement addressing the critical issues of hunger and food insecurity facing Alabama’s children and youth. In 2013, ECHA was launched as an effort to move Alabama into the top 25 percent nationally in child food security. Since its beginning as the first outreach initiative of the Hunger Solutions Institute at Auburn University, ECHA’s network has grown to include public and private sector partners from around the state.

When kids receive nutritious meals, it changes everything:


  • Increase Alabama families’ economic stability
  • Cultivate a strong regional food system
  • Build public will to end child hunger
  • Improve the food assistance safety net for Alabama’s children
  • Support community action to enhance children’s health and prevent obesity

Task Force Members